Sunday, 30 August 2015

Gdansk Poland. Still living in the shadow of WW11. So many ruined buildings still from that time.
The Germans walked into Poland on 31 October 1939. Was that a coincidence? The most powerful day on the calendar no. Halloween but also it is a day of total power. Some days on the calendar are the days for momentous events. Those events can create light or darkness. Poland still live in darkness now from this chain of dark times. First the Germans then the Russians.
This day can be used for light events as well.  Use this power well to add to this wonderful world

Monday, 24 August 2015

We all live with death but brush it from our minds.
"I'm not even old yet I just want to live and not dwell on the gloom."
Rita Ora is so scared of death she has to have constant therapy even thinking of it.
Many choose a wild path in life just to add spice. Without that hint of death life would be boring. We constantly diet, starving our bodies of all the nutrients they need to be healthy. That's the story of many women who end up dying early. To them being attractive means being skinny. Men don't like fat women.
With men it's a different story. Speed is often the drug of choice. Speed on a motorbike or car with additives of choice.
Just saw a bike rider hit a car at full speed. It was a three lane highway but he was weaving for the thrill. He flipped off the bike over our heads and landed crash on the sidewalk. I expected body splatter everywhere but he landed on his feet. He started walking toward his bike and dialling his phone. We all stared goggle~eyed at this little guy who had just evaded death. He was a hair-breath away.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Just been to Poland and Russia. If the world in which you live allows you to have a clear free mind how much can you expand your thoughts and feel the joy. You can connect to others thru that feeling and they can pass it on. If your world is limited by government control in all areas for generations how does that affect the individual? After bleakness and grey for years it has to soak into the personality.
Few people smiled or were interested in strangers. In fact it was the reverse. Someone different was regarded with superstition. People kept to themselves and went about their business with their heads down. They tried to help you in shops but only if you followed the rules. No laughter was heard.
After losing all connection to life is it possible to regain it?
We saw a group of women in a church with their heads covered, kissing the bones of a saint to try and retrieve some hope. But the real truth is your hope is within you and you just have to look within to retrieve it. You don't need to stand in line behind thousands to try to rekindle a small ember. You possess the fire. Let yourself glow.