Saturday, 25 June 2016

Always knew how powerful a positive mind was against total evil and negativity. But this week saw it in action.
Sold a house yesterday but a week before the auction this very nasty developer wrote to our law firm who had organised the contracts, saying the house encroached on his property by .23 of a metre. That's the length of a brick! He then sent his son along to the auction to offer a low bid and sabotage proceedings.
Good prevailed and we ended up with a strong sale price. The force of the universe always helps those who believe in the power of positivity in this world.
Always live your life knowing that power.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

The world is full of power plays.
The small picture power play. This week our neighbour complained that our house infringes his by .23 metres. Point scoring over us.
The world power play. Award winning journalists photographs taken of nuclear disasters. White on white images of spirits still sitting at tables when the bombs went off. The body is left just hanging in time while the soul has departed. A moment in time, a split second between life and death. Millions die, the ultimate power show.
Chilling images. But we all individually can step away from these games and make our world and consequently others better. Use the power for good not evil.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

The birds have all flown to safer ground. All the ground animals are safe sheltering in any available cover. Humans are the only animals that have lost touch with their instincts. Except for weather reports we have no idea of what is to come in our lives. We can't read the clouds, we often can't see the water and follow the waves. Our sensitivity to nature is now non-existent. We have lost touch completely with nature (the external) and ourselves ( the internal).
Start to feel again. The peace that comes after a wild storm. That all encompassing release of peace. Lying in bed absorb that feeling. Take it in through your pours and allow your body to just totally relax and go into the serenity.
May the peace that passes all understanding be with you and remain with you now and forever. Peace.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Bang! Crash! The whole force of nature so powerful in action. The rains that seem never ending turn into floods. Rivers overflow while the sea rises up in giant waves that lash the land. I look on in awe.
The full moon is causing huge tides and affecting global weather systems. What power is at work here. What all encompassing magnificence.
We too are part of this global power. We can use this great strength in our lives to harness the changes that need to happen within us.
Use this time of great movement to add to and enhance your life. We are all part of the One.
Strength and love.