Wednesday, 25 January 2017

We live in an age of such fear. Children are taught to be afraid of everything. I saw a flying fish jumping out of  the water yesterday. What majesty and athleticism they display for the small time  they are alive. Their joy in being free. The children had to leave the water. The parents were screaming to their children to not go near this perilous beast. We 're teaching fear of happiness from an early age. We 're never to experience any joy in case it hurts us.
Our age is one if plenty but we're more afraid now than we've ever been.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Why are there only 39 tigers left in  the wild in Thailand? The rest are in cement cages in zoos often drugged so tourists can take photos with them. There are so few wild spots left on earth while we all dither about what to do.
In contrast there are nearly 9 billion humans alive . Imbalance or what?